Publications and Research
đ Journal Articles
- [ArxiV 2025] Camille Barboule, Benjamin Piwowarski, and Yoan Chabot. Survey on Question Answering over Visually Rich Documents: Methods, Challenges, and Trends.. In ArxiV.
- [ArxiV 2024] Lucas Jarnac, Yoan Chabot, Miguel Couceiro. Uncertainty Management in the Construction of Knowledge Graphs: a Survey. In ArxiV.
- [Journal of Web Semantics 2023] Jixiong Liu, Yoan Chabot, Raphaël Troncy, Viet-Phi Huynh, Thomas Labbé and Pierre Monnin. From Tabular Data to Knowledge Graphs: A Survey of Semantic Table Interpretation Tasks and Methods. In Journal of Web Semantics, volume 76, 2023.
- [Digital Investigation 2015] Yoan Chabot, Aurélie Bertaux, Christophe Nicolle and Tahar Kechadi. An ontology-based approach for the reconstruction and analysis of digital incidents timelines. In Digital Investigation, 15, pages 83-100, 2015.
- [Digital Investigation 2014] Yoan Chabot, Aurélie Bertaux, Christophe Nicolle and Tahar Kechadi. A complete formalized knowledge representation model for advanced digital forensics timeline analysis. In Digital Investigation, 11, pages 95-105, 2014.
đ Research Papers in Conferences
- [ArxiV 2024] Camille Barboule, Viet-Phi Huynh, Adrien Bufort, Yoan Chabot, Géraldine Damnati, Gwénolé Lecorvé. TelcoLM: collecting data, adapting, and benchmarking language models for the telecommunication domain. In ArxiV.
- [GRASEC 2024] Lionel Tailhardat, Yoan Chabot, Antoine Py and Perrine Guillemette. NORIA UI: Efficient Incident Management on Large-Scale ICT Systems Represented as Knowledge Graphs. In GRASEC workshop, International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Vienna, Austria, July 30-August 2, 2024.
- [IC 2024] Lionel Tailhardat, Benjamin Stach, Yoan Chabot and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. GraphamĂ©lĂ©on : apprentissage des relations et dĂ©tection dâanomalies sur les traces de navigation Web capturĂ©es sous forme de graphes de connaissances. In Research Track, IC 2024, La Rochelle, France, July 1-5, 2024. Best paper award
- [ESWC 2024] Lionel Tailhardat, Raphaël Troncy and Yoan Chabot. NORIA-O: An Ontology for Anomaly Detection and Incident Management in ICT Systems. In Resource Track, 21st European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Hersonissos, Greece, May 26-30, 2024.
- [TheWebConf 2024] Lionel Tailhardat, Benjamin Stach, Yoan Chabot and Raphaël Troncy. Graphameleon: Relational Learning and Anomaly Detection on Web Navigation Traces Captured as Knowledge Graphs. In the ACM on Web Conference 2024 (TheWebConf), Singapore, May 13-17, 2024.
- [ARES 2023] Lionel Tailhardat, RaphaĂ«l Troncy and Yoan Chabot. Leveraging Knowledge Graphs For Classifying Incident Situations in ICT Systems. In 4th International Workshop on Graph-based Approaches for CyberSecurity (GRASEC), 8th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARESâ23), Benevento, Italy, August 29-September 1st, 2023.
- [VLDB 2023] Viet-Phi Huynh, Yoan Chabot and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. Towards Generative Semantic Table Interpretation. In Tabular Data Analysis (TaDA) Workshop, 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDBâ23), Vancouver, Canada, August 28-September 1st, 2023.
- [IC 2023] Jixiong Liu, Viet-Phi Huynh, Yoan Chabot and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. Des donnĂ©es tabulaires aux graphes de connaissances: Ă©tat de lâart des mĂ©thodes dâinterprĂ©tation sĂ©mantique de tables.. In IC2023, Strasbourg, France, July 3-7, 2023.
- [ESWC 2023] Lionel Tailhardat, RaphaĂ«l Troncy and Yoan Chabot. Designing NORIA: a Knowledge Graph-based Platform for Anomaly Detection and Incident Management in ICT Systems. In 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction (KGCWâ23), Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWCâ23), Crete, May 28-June 1st, 2023.
- [ISWC 2022] Viet-Phi Huynh, Yoan Chabot, Thomas LabbĂ©, Jixiong Liu and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. From Heuristics to Language Models: A Journey Through the Universe of Semantic Table Interpretation with DAGOBAH. In Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2022, 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ22), remote, China, October 23-27, 2022.
- [ISWC 2022] Jixiong Liu, Viet-Phi Huynh, Yoan Chabot and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. Radar Station: Using KG Embeddings for Semantic Table Interpretation and Entity Disambiguation. In Research Track, 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ22), remote, China, October 23-27, 2022.
- [IC 2022] Viet-Phi Huynh, Jixiong Liu, Yoan Chabot, FrĂ©dĂ©ric DeuzĂ©, Thomas LabbĂ©, Pierre Monnin and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. DAGOBAH: Annotation sĂ©mantique de donnĂ©es tabulaires par comparaison du contexte des tables et dâun graphe de connaissances. In IC2022, St-Etienne, France, June 29-July 1st, 2022. Best Paper Award.
- [TheWebConf2022] Lionel Tailhardat, Raphaël Troncy and Yoan Chabot. Walks in Cyberspace: Improving Web Browsing and Network Activity Analysis with 3D Live Graph Rendering. In Web developer and W3C, TheWebConf2022, remote, Lyon, France, April 25-29, 2022.
- [ISWC 2021] Viet-Phi Huynh, Jixiong Liu, Yoan Chabot, FrĂ©dĂ©ric DeuzĂ©, Thomas LabbĂ©, Pierre Monnin and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. DAGOBAH: Table and Graph Contexts For Efficient Semantic Annotation of Tabular Data. In Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2021, 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ21), remote, USA, October 24-28, 2021.
- [ISWC 2021] Yoan Chabot, Pierre Monnin, FrĂ©dĂ©ric DeuzĂ©, Viet-Phi Huynh, Thomas LabbĂ©, Jixiong Liu and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. A Framework for Automatically Interpreting Tabular Data at Orange. In Industry Track, 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ21), remote, USA, October 24-28, 2021.
- [ISWC 2020] Viet-Phi Huynh, Jixiong Liu, Yoan Chabot, Thomas LabbĂ©, Pierre Monnin and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. DAGOBAH: Enhanced Scoring Algorithms for Scalable Annotations of Tabular Data. In Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2020, 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ20), Athens (remote), Greece, November 1-6, 2020.
- [IC 2020] Yoan Chabot, Thomas LabbĂ©, Jixiong Liu and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. DAGOBAH : Un systĂšme dâannotation sĂ©mantique de donnĂ©es tabulaires indĂ©pendant du contexte. In IngĂ©nierie des Connaissances 2020 (IC2020), Angers (remote), France, June 29-July 3, 2020.
- [ISWC 2019] Yoan Chabot, Thomas LabbĂ©, Jixiong Liu and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. DAGOBAH: An End-to-End Context-Free Tabular Data Semantic Annotation System. In Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2019, 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ19), Auckland, New Zealand, October 26-30, 2019.
- [EGC 2015] Yoan Chabot, AurĂ©lie Bertaux, Christophe Nicolle and Tahar Kechadi. De la scĂšne de crime aux connaissances: reprĂ©sentation dâĂ©vĂšnements et peuplement dâontologie appliquĂ©s au domaine de la criminalistique informatique. In 12 Ăšme atelier sur la Fouille de DonnĂ©es Complexes, In 15th ConfĂ©rence Francophone sur lâExtraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGCâ15), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, January 27-30, 2015.
- [EISIC 2014] Yoan Chabot, AurĂ©lie Bertaux, Christophe Nicolle and Tahar Kechadi. Automatic timeline construction and analysis for computer forensics purposes. In 1st IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (IEEE JISICâ14), The Hague, Netherlands, September 24-26, 2014.
đĄ Patents
- Targeted knowledge graph enrichment using generative AI, 2024
- Verbalization of tabular data through semantic table annotation and LLM prompting, 2024
- Question-and-answer system using generative AI based on a knowledge graph with a collaborative exploration interface, 2024
đ Challenges
- [ISWC 2022] 1st prize (Accuracy Track) in Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2022, 21th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ22), remote, China, October 23-27, 2022.
- [ISWC 2021] 1st prize (Accuracy Track) in Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2021, 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ21), remote, USA, October 24-28, 2021.
- [ISWC 2020] 3rd Prize in Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2020, 19th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ20), Athens (remote), Greece, November 1-6, 2020.
đ» Demos/Posters in Conferences
- [GDR TAL 2023] Camille Barboule, Viet-Phi Huynh, Adrien Bufort, Yoan Chabot, Thomas LabbĂ©, GwĂ©nolĂ© LecorvĂ©, Ghislain Putois. Adaptation of language models to Orangeâs domains. In GDRL TAL 2023, Nantes, France, September 7, 2023.
- [ISWC 2022] Viet-Phi Huynh, Yoan Chabot, Thomas LabbĂ©, Jixiong Liu and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. From Heuristics to Language Models: A Journey Through the Universe of Semantic Table Interpretation with DAGOBAH. In Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2022, 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ22), remote, China, October 23-27, 2022.
- [ESWC 2022] Christophe Sarthou-Camy, Guillaume Jourdain, Yoan Chabot, Pierre Monnin, FrĂ©dĂ©ric DeuzĂ©, Viet-Phi Huynh, Jixiong Liu, Thomas LabbĂ© and RaphaĂ«l Troncy. DAGOBAH UI: A New Hope For Semantic Table Interpretation. In 19th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWCâ22), Hersonissos, Greece, May 29-June 2, 2022.
- [ISWC 2021] Viet-Phi Huynh, Jixiong Liu, Yoan Chabot, FrĂ©dĂ©ric DeuzĂ©, Thomas LabbĂ©, Pierre Monnin, RaphaĂ«l Troncy and Guillaume Dive. DAGOBAH: Table and Graph Contexts For Efficient Semantic Annotation of Tabular Data. In Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching 2021, 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWCâ21), remote, USA, October 24-28, 2021.
- [IA2 2021] Lionel Tailhardat, Yoan Chabot, Raphaël Troncy. NORIA : machiNe learning, Ontology and Reasoning for the Identification of Anomalies. In IA2 autumn school, Paris, France, September 27-October 1 2021.
- [EGC 2020] Denis Collange, Arnoult Vial, Yoan Chabot and Marc Antoine Mouilleron. PrĂ©diction de la qualitĂ© des vins du MĂąconnais. In 20th ConfĂ©rence Francophone sur lâExtraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGCâ20), Bruxelles, Belgique, January 27-31, 2020.
- [EGC 2019] Yoan Chabot, Patrick Grohan, Gilles Le Calvez and ChristĂšle Tarnec. Dataforum : Faciliter lâĂ©change, la dĂ©couverte et la valorisation des donnĂ©es Ă lâaide de technologies sĂ©mantiques. In 19th ConfĂ©rence Francophone sur lâExtraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGCâ19), Metz, France, January 21-25, 2019.
- [EGC 2014] Yoan Chabot, AurĂ©lie Bertaux, Christophe Nicolle and Tahar Kechadi. Reconstruction et analyse sĂ©mantique de chronologies cybercriminelles. In 14th ConfĂ©rence Francophone sur lâExtraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGCâ14), Rennes, France, January 28-31, 2014.
đšâđ« Keynote/Talks in Conferences
- [SemWeb.Pro 2021] Yoan Chabot, Pierre Monnin and Thomas LabbĂ©. DAGOBAH : Des outils pour lâinterprĂ©tation automatique de donnĂ©es tabulaires. In SemWeb.Pro 2021, Remote, December 9, 2021. Video here
- [EGC 2021] Yoan Chabot and Pierre Monnin. DAGOBAH : ActivitĂ© de recherche Orange autour de lâannotation sĂ©mantique de donnĂ©es tabulaires. In 5 Ăšme atelier TextMine sur la fouille de Textes, In 21th ConfĂ©rence Francophone sur lâExtraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGCâ21), Montpellier (remote), France January 25-29, 2021.
đ Book Chapters
- [IGI 2015] Yoan Chabot, Aurélie Bertaux, Christophe Nicolle and Tahar Kechadi. Event reconstruction: A state of the art. In Handbook of Research on Digital Crime, Cyberspace Security, and Information Assurance, pages 231-245, 2015. IGI Global.
- [IGI 2015] Yoan Chabot and Christophe Nicolle. Semantic Measures. In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, pages 4690-4698, 2015. IGI Global.
đšâđ PhD Thesis
- [Thesis 2015] Yoan Chabot. Construction, Enrichment and Semantic Analysis of Timelines: Application to Digital Forensics, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland and University of Burgundy, Dijon, France, 2014. PhD Supervisors : Christophe Nicolle, Aurélie Bertaux and Tahar Kechadi.
đ° In Press
- [Hello Future 2024] Yoan Chabot, Lionel Tailhardat, Perrine Guillemette and Antoine Py. NORIA: Network anomaly detection using knowledge graphs. In Orange Hello Future Research Blog, 2024.
- [POC Media 2021] âOrange veut exploiter les donnĂ©es dormantes des entreprisesâ. In blog POC Media, 2021.
- [IMTECH 2020] âDAGOBAH: Tables, AI will understandâ. In blog IâMTech, 2020.
- [Hello Future 2020] Thomas Labbé, Yoan Chabot, Jixiong Liu and Raphaël Troncy. DAGOBAH: Make Tabular Data Speak Great Again. In Orange Hello Future Research Blog, 2020.
- [Hello Future 2020] Yoan Chabot, Patrick Grohan and ChristĂšle Tarnec. Data sharing and processing: the new Tower of Babel?. In Orange Hello Future Research Blog, 2020.
- [Hello Future 2017] Yoan Chabot, Gilles Privat and Fano Ramparany. Ontologies for the rest of us!. In Orange Hello Future Research Blog, 2017.
đ Roles
Journal Reviewer
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering since 2023
- Journal of Web Semantics since 2021
- Computers & Security since 2018
- Digital Investigation since 2016
- Expert Systems with Applications since 2015
Senior program comitee member
Program commitee member
- TheWebConf2024, TheWebConf2023, TheWebConf2022
- ESWC 2022, ESWC 2021, ESWC 2020
- EGC 2021
- K-CAP 2023, K-CAP 2021, K-CAP 2019
Orange Expert since 2023
I have been an Orange Expert since 2023, specializing in the Data-AI community. This community brings together experts from various fields within the company to provide guidance and insight on complex topics, particularly in data and artificial intelligence. As part of this group, I contribute my knowledge and experience to support innovative solutions and help drive the companyâs growth in these dynamic areas.